Evaluation in recruitment
A detailed assessment is needed to evaluate the members to be recruited. This evaluation is directly related to the satisfaction, future and functionality of the institution. Most of the people who apply for employment have different characteristics both personally and in terms of character. In recruitment, various tests are used in order to reach the desired features of the institution (Bak et al., 2020).
Aptitude tests in recruitment evaluation
Talent is important for the efficiency of the business. When the word meaning of the term talent is examined, it is defined as a person’s ability to understand and do something, as well as innate power. The concept of talent has an impact on financial, strategic and transformation processes in terms of organizational space. Talent is important for the effectiveness of middle and senior managers in terms of the organization. It is also effective in terms of the job performance of the personnel (Duran et al., 2019). The fact that talent is important for the organization makes talent management visible. Top-level control of managers is needed for talent management. This control is important for the success of the personnel in their work, as well as for their progress. It is important that the talent management is managed effectively in terms of the suitability of the personnel for the purpose, the functionality of the work and the agreement of the personnel among themselves (Erdoğdu and Salepçioğlu, 2020).
Talent and job performance
The reward for talent is job performance. Job performance is closely related to the individual’s work-related motivation. Job performance is a combination of talent and motivation. Talent has a course from childhood. Existing talent increases with the use of talent in the business field. Talent is not only used in the job field, but also in cognitive processes. The connection between talent and job performance has led to the frequent use of aptitude tests in recruitment. Many institutions are recruited by applying aptitude tests. It has been seen that the higher the ability tests, the higher the job performance.
Functionality of aptitude tests
Aptitude tests are divided into 4 main titles: mental abilities, muscle and coordination ability, physical and perception capacity and personality traits. Mental abilities are briefly related to planning and decision-making abilities. It includes the ability of muscle and motor coordination, speed of decision making and gross motor coordination of the person. Physics and perception capacity is defined as sensitivity related to perception such as color or sound, especially endurance (Kurtuluş, 2006).
Tests used in recruitment
During the recruitment period, the individual is subjected to various tests and interview techniques, apart from ability tests. These tests and interview methods are work sample tests, structured interview, job knowledge test, personality tests and assessment centers measurement methods. According to the work sample test, the past predicts the future. At the same time, the past does not only predict the future, it predicts the past in the future. It was found that the individuals recruited by applying this test got along better with each other and had less legal problems. Fully structured questions in the structured interview are used to serve in the job recruitment. Job knowledge tests include job relocations, career changes, and personnel selection. Personality tests are important in terms of attitudes, behavioral performance and product outputs in terms of results. Assessment centers are used for personnel selection. Many methods that can be used with these centers have proven to be effective in measuring staff abilities. It is recommended that this method be used more for promotion purposes. The reliability of the tests used in the recruitment process is also important in terms of the effectiveness of the tests (Ocak et al., 2018). Many institutions and companies focus on talented employees for business success. Talent has been seen as important for business success in terms of many institutions, companies and scientific research (Gündüzalp & Özan, 2018).